i'm nimona

Banned emojis and commonly used words on my Twitch channel

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scroll down for reasoning! this list is not an inherent judgement of anyone using them, but i feel like this would make my streams a more comfortable environment (in some cases, including for me). and basically, my stream, my rules, my coffee or something.


[BetterTTV global emojis]

FeelsBirthdayMan, monkaS, bUrself, FeelsBadMan, FeelsGoodMan, FeelsSnowMan, FeelsSnowyMan, FeelsAmazingMan, RarePepe

[7TV global emojis]

PepePls, FeelsStrongMan, knaDyppaHopeep, FeelsWeirdMan, peepoSad, FeelsOkayMan, ApuApustaja, FeelsDankMan, Stare, ppL, EZ, peepoHappy, Gayge, WAYTOODANK

[further commonly used banned words]

chad, peepo, pepega, REEE, degenerate


where i can, i’ll add a word mute, tho in some cases (e. g. Stare), that’s clearly not the best solution. at certain point of an overusage of any of these, there will be timeouts and bans, but i intend not to be too strict about this.


pepe and peepo emotes

pepe is associated with 4chan in quite a few folks’ minds. this can certainly make some (especially marginalized) beings uncomfortable, which is why they are on the banlist.

“i am using them in a reclaiming way”

that’s nice, but that can still make some feel bad about it. it’s similar to not allowing slurs in a reclamatory way either in a twitch chat imo (mind you, i’m not comparing slurs themselves to these).


this one’s also associated with 4chan, the reason for the ban is also due to it being misogynistic, however. it’s clearly built around the manosphere’s whole “alpha male” concept. plus i also feel misgendered by it, i’m not gonna lie.


furthermore, no 7tv emotes will be added. it’s a twitter thread, sooo rip nitter, hope you can read it 💀. the point is, 7tv was built for racist reasons. as such, please don’t give them money!